Top Pup Media Blog

Top Pup Media

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Another day? Another dollar?

I don't think so!

For 16 years, I worked in Corporate America. That was my motto: another day, another dollar. I wasn't living my dreams. I wasn't pursuing my passions. I was making money for someone else. Yes, I provided for my family, and there is great respect in that.

But, I was dying inside.

A seed was planted in me years ago, 10 years ago this October, to be exact. That creative seed was actually there much longer, but something happened ten years ago that got that seed moving, growing, expanding, rooting. Seeds can lie dormant for years. This seed was coming alive.

In October, I stepped away from my cushy, corporate cubicle to pursue this passion that is so on fire in my heart, the passion to creatively communication through media production.

I'm living my dreams. I'm one of few Americans who are truly living out their dreams. To be rich? No. That's not my dream. My dream is to create, communicate, connect, and help others do the same.

Every day is a blessing. Every morning, a joy. Every call, every email, every "chance" encounter--an opportunity to walk in my dreams. No, not walk. Run.

It's wonderful to be free.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
-- Gil Bailie


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